1 Care Bear Coloring Pages | ColorBliss

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1 Care Bear coloring pages

Check out our collection of 1 Care Bear coloring pages that are free to download and print!

To get started, simply click on the coloring sheet thumbnail you want to color below and then download the image to your computer. You can then print it to color as many times as you like!

All of our coloring pages are formatted as PNG files, and will fit on standard US Letter size or A4 paper sizes.

Some favorites that you may want to check out are Happy Teddy Bear Coloring Fun! Scroll down to see them all.

Happy coloring!

PS - looking to get even more creative? Collect your favorite coloring sheets and print them as a custom personalized coloring book!

1) Happy Teddy Bear Coloring Fun

Look at this adorable bear named Teddy, smiling and looking super happy! It has a big round belly, cute little ears, and looks like it's ready for a big hug.

Create a free coloring page

Not sure what to try?
Try Spiderman at the Grand Canyon or Stained Glass Elsa!

12 Craft Ideas to do with Care Bear Coloring Pages

Care Bears are a classic childhood favorite, and coloring pages featuring these lovable characters can provide hours of entertainment for kids and adults alike. But why stop at just coloring when you can turn those pages into fun and creative crafts? Here are 12 ideas to get you started.

1. Care Bear Garland

Cut out your favorite Care Bears from coloring pages and glue them to strips of construction paper. Punch a hole in the top of each bear and thread them onto a piece of yarn to create a garland. Hang it in your child’s room or in a play area for a pop of color and fun.

2. Care Bear Picture Frame

Cut out a Care Bear from a coloring page and glue it to the center of a piece of cardstock or construction paper. Cut out a square or rectangle around the Care Bear to create a frame. Add a photo of your child or a favorite Care Bear memory to complete the project.

3. Care Bear Suncatcher

Trace a Care Bear from a coloring page onto a piece of contact paper. Cut out the Care Bear and add tissue paper squares to the back to create a colorful suncatcher. Hang it in a window to let the light shine through.

4. Care Bear Mobile

Cut out several Care Bears from coloring pages and glue them to lightweight cardboard or cardstock. Punch a hole in the top of each bear and thread them onto a piece of yarn or twine. Hang the mobile from the ceiling for a fun and whimsical decoration.

5. Care Bear Notecards

Cut out Care Bears from coloring pages and glue them to the front of blank notecards. Use them to send notes of encouragement, thank you cards, or just to brighten someone’s day.

6. Care Bear Ornaments

Cut out Care Bears from coloring pages and glue them to small pieces of cardboard or cardstock. Add a string or ribbon to the top and hang them on the tree as festive ornaments.

7. Care Bear Bookmarks

Cut out Care Bears from coloring pages and glue them to sturdy cardstock or index cards. Add a strip of velcro or a paperclip to the back to create a reusable bookmark.

8. Care Bear Magnets

Cut out Care Bears from coloring pages and glue them to small magnets. Use them to decorate your fridge or any other metal surface.

9. Care Bear Coasters

Cut out Care Bears from coloring pages and glue them to the center of cork coasters. Add a layer of Mod Podge or clear sealant to protect the surface and make them waterproof.

10. Care Bear Puzzle

Cut out a Care Bear from a coloring page and glue it to a piece of cardboard or foam board. Cut the Care Bear into puzzle pieces and challenge yourself or your child to put it back together.

11. Care Bear Wind Chimes

Cut out several Care Bears from coloring pages and glue them to lightweight wood or plastic pieces. Attach them to a metal ring or hoop and hang them outside to create a whimsical wind chime.

12. Care Bear Collage

Collect several Care Bear coloring pages and cut out your favorite bears. Arrange them on a piece of poster board or canvas to create a colorful collage. Add embellishments like glitter, stickers, or ribbons to make it extra special.